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Vitamin C: Intramuscular, Intravenous, and Tablets

Vitamin C


Vitamin C: Also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient that plays many vital roles in the body. It is key for maintaining healthy skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage, and also assists in the absorption of iron. While it is traditionally obtained from a variety of food sources, vitamin C can also be administered through oral tablets, intramuscular (IM) injections, or intravenous (IV) infusions. Each method has distinct applications, effectiveness, and considerations. This article will delve into each form of administration, discussing their differences, uses, potential benefits, and drawbacks.

Vitamin C health benefits:

Medline Plus – Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential vitamin with a myriad of health benefits, including:

  1. Antioxidant Activity: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. This helps to prevent oxidative stress, which is linked to many chronic diseases.
  2. Immune Function: Vitamin C plays a critical role in supporting the immune system. It stimulates the production of white blood cells and helps these cells function more effectively. It also supports the skin’s defense system by acting as an antioxidant directly in the skin, helping to protect it from environmental stressors like UV damage.
  3. Collagen Production: Vitamin C is vital for the growth, development, and repair of all body tissues. It’s involved in several body functions, including the formation of collagen, a protein that helps wounds heal. Collagen is also needed for healthy skin, hair, nails, and connective tissue.
  4. Iron Absorption: Vitamin C improves the absorption of non-heme iron, the type of iron found in plant-based foods. This is particularly beneficial for people on a vegetarian or vegan diet who may not get enough iron from their diet alone.
  5. Cardiovascular Health: Some studies suggest that vitamin C may help lower high blood pressure, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. It also appears to lower cholesterol levels and improve overall heart health.
  6. Prevention of Scurvy: While rare in developed countries, scurvy is a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C. Symptoms include fatigue, inflammation of the gums, joint pain, and anemia.
  7. Eye Health: Vitamin C plays a role in maintaining the health of the eyes, and some studies suggest that it may lower the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
  8. Potential Cancer Protection: Some research suggests that high intakes of vitamin C may have a protective effect against certain types of cancer, including lung, breast, and colon cancer. However, more research is needed in this area. American Cancer Society – High-Dose Vitamin C

Oral Tablets

The most common method of vitamin C administration is through oral tablets or capsules. This is because it is non-invasive, affordable, and easily accessible. Many people consume vitamin C tablets as a dietary supplement for general health promotion and to boost the immune system, particularly during flu season.

The human body efficiently absorbs vitamin C in moderate amounts. However, the bioavailability of orally ingested vitamin C decreases with increasing dosage due to absorption limitations in the gastrointestinal tract. This is why mega-doses of oral vitamin C may not substantially increase its levels in the blood. Side effects of excessive oral intake can include gastrointestinal disturbances like diarrhea and abdominal cramps.

It’s also important to note that, while vitamin C supplementation can help fill nutritional gaps, it cannot replace a balanced diet. Whole foods not only provide vitamin C, but they also offer other essential nutrients that work synergistically for optimal health.

Intramuscular (IM) Injections

Intramuscular administration of vitamin C involves injecting the vitamin directly into a muscle, typically in the upper arm, thigh, or buttock. This method bypasses the digestive system, providing direct delivery of the nutrient into the body’s tissues. This can lead to higher tissue concentrations than oral administration.

IM injections are less commonly used than oral or IV methods due to the discomfort associated with injections and the potential for side effects at the injection site, such as pain, swelling, or infection. These injections should be administered by a healthcare provider to ensure proper technique and to minimize potential complications.

There is also limited research on the benefits and effectiveness of IM vitamin C administration, making it less understood compared to oral or IV methods. Therefore, IM injections are generally reserved for specific medical situations under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Intravenous (IV) Infusions

Intravenous (IV) administration of vitamin C involves injecting the vitamin directly into a vein, allowing it to circulate throughout the body in the bloodstream. This method bypasses the limitations of gastrointestinal absorption and achieves much higher blood concentrations than oral or IM methods.

High-dose IV vitamin C has been used in complementary and alternative medicine for conditions such as cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia. Some research suggests that high-dose IV vitamin C can enhance the effectiveness of certain cancer treatments or improve quality of life in cancer patients, although more research is needed in this area.

The potential risks and side effects of IV vitamin C therapy include discomfort at the injection site, risk of infection, and potential kidney damage in people with pre-existing kidney disorders. Because of these risks and the higher costs associated with IV administration, this method is typically reserved for specific therapeutic applications under the guidance of a healthcare provider.


Each method of vitamin C administration has its own merits and potential drawbacks. Oral tablets are convenient and non-invasive, but their effectiveness may be limited by absorption issues in the digestive tract. IM injections allow for direct delivery into the tissues, but they can be uncomfortable and carry risks of side effects at the injection site. IV infusions achieve the highest blood concentrations of vitamin C, but they are the most invasive method and carry the highest risk of side effects.

Choosing the right method of vitamin C administration depends on individual health needs, personal preferences, and the guidance of healthcare professionals. It is essential to note that vitamin C supplementation is not a cure-all, and it is best used as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Always consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any new supplement regimen, particularly if considering IM or IV administration.

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Scientists discover a ‘very important’ protein that can prolong our lives and fight cancer


KLF1 amino acid?

amino acids

Amino acids are organic compounds that contain both amino and carboxylic acid functional groups. Although over 500 amino acids exist in nature, by far the most important are the alpha-amino acids, from which proteins are composed. Only 22 alpha amino acids appear in the genetic code of all life. Wikipedia


What does the KLF1 gene do?

KLF1 controls globin gene switching by directly activating beta-globin and indirectly repressing gamma-globin gene expression. A search for mutations in erythroid transcription factors showed mutations in the promoter or coding sequence of EKLF in 21 of 24 persons with the In(Lu) phenotype

Scientists discover a ‘very important’ protein that can prolong our lives and fight cancer

Scientists discover a ‘very important’ protein that can prolong our lives and fight cancer
Amidst remarkable strides in the past few decades to find ways to extend healthy human lifespans, a recent breakthrough marks another “very important” milestone.

Scientists from Taipei Medical University in Taiwan uncovered a genetic modification in mice that can superpower cancer-killing cells by two to seven times and extend their lifespan by up to 20 per cent.

To further amplify the results from last year’s groundbreaking study, they have now successfully replicated the same extraordinary outcomes from their previous research in ordinary mice through a single transplant of blood stem cells.

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The new findings, published in the scientific journal Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, are “very important,” said Che-Kun James Shen, lead researcher of the study, who believes that could have profound implications for human health.

“We hope to apply [them] in the near future, and I think if it works, they can go for clinical trials probably next year or by the end of this year,” he said to Euronews Next.

The researchers had first identified an amino acid – a protein called KLF1 – that when changed, “maintains all the healthy characteristics of the young age”.

This includes “better motor function, improved learning, and memory, but also better anti-cancer cells,” said Shen, adding that the mice’s hair “was also much more darker and shiny”.

One of the critical marks of ageing, fibrosis – a process characterised by the accumulation of fibrous tissue that leads to impaired organ functioning – had also proved to be significantly reduced.

But the latest findings show that the research team have now succeeded in transferring the benefits of the KLF1 amino acid – which plays a significant role in the transcription of genes across different blood cell types – to non-mutant mice thanks to stem cell transplants.
Reducing cancer risk and fighting off cancer cells

Stem cell transplants are a standard therapeutic approach for specific types of blood cancers. And building upon this initial breakthrough, Shen’s team of scientists hope to reduce the risk of cancer resurgence and superpower the cancer-killing cells by genetically modifying human stem cells with KLF1.

While eliminating cancer in itself is a promising prospect, Shen’s gene intervention could also have the potential to extend the human lifespan.

Researchers have previously pinpointed many genetic variants that increase the lifespan of mice. Nevertheless, a significant portion of these variants solely benefitted female mice, and there was no known method to transfer the advantages from mutant mice to wild (normal) mice.

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“Females always have these kinds of advantages, but in this mouse model, there is no gender bias,” said Shen.

Most importantly, he adds, “many of the previous mouse models showed side effects, but with our mice, we have not seen any”.

The trials with KLF1 have proven successful when testing with different genetic backgrounds of mice, indicating no specific genetic backgrounds influenced the results.

In other words, the benefits from the research could be universal, suggesting a broader impact.

“I think the model will likely work on all humans,” Shen told Euronews Next.

“And you don’t have to do a complete bone marrow transplantation, only a partial substitution of 30 or 20 per cent will suffice to make the mice cancer resistant”.

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The enhanced cancer-killing abilities observed in the mutant mice are due to various biological changes that occur after the gene manipulation.

But the investigators found that the ability of certain cancer-killing cells, such as the T cells and natural killer (NK) cells carrying the amino acid substitution “all have higher cancer cell killing ability, 2 to 7 fold higher, than the wildtype mice [normal mice].”

When the team realised that the genetic modification of the amino acid was “only expressed in blood cells,” they tried injecting certain types of blood cells from the mutant mice into wild mice with promising results.

Does this mean that cancer-fighting bone marrow transplantations can be carried out in humans soon? Shen is hopeful that it could soon be a reality.

“I think ethically, it has to be taken care of, but yeah, that’s what we are trying to do,” says Shen, adding they are already working to capitalise on their findings to enhance cancer therapies for humans.